SVDP Walk for the Poor

Dear St. Joseph Parish Family,

St. Joseph’s Church is once again supporting the St. Vincent de Paul “FRIENDS OF THE POOR WALK/RUN” on Sunday, October 20th at 12:00 Noon.   Since its beginnings in 2008, the annual Friends of the Poor® Walk/Run program has provided SVdP with funds to support special projects and help our local neighbors in need.   This walk is our 4th Family Event of the year, and is open to all St. Joseph PREP, Parish and School Families. 

Registration, rain or shine, will take place in the parking lot of Circle Liquor Store at the base of the Ocean City Bridge in Somers Point beginning at 11:00 a.m.  The walk will begin promptly at 12:00 Noon.  A donation of $15.00  (kids under 10 are free) is requested for participation and includes a 4.4 mile walk/run (or a distance that is comfortable for you), water bottle, and an event T-shirt.  

You can register on the day of the event, but we highly suggest that you take advantage of pre-registration at the SJRS Fall Festival on Friday, September 27th, St. Joseph Church after weekend masses on October 12th and 13th, or online at the following link:

We also encourage you to raise additional donations from family and friends, so please use the attached Walker/Runner Pledge Sheet and Donor Receipt Form.  PLEASE NOTE: your participation donation of $15 (kids under 10 are free) and any additional donations  must be brought with you to in-person registration on 9/27, 10/12-10/13, or the day of the event!  

Thank you for your cooperation and support!  If you have any questions, please contact Karen Pells at (609) 927-3568, ext. 24 or Rose Ludgate of SVdP, at 609-678-8093.