Live Stream Mass
As with all services or masses during the pandemic restrictions, there will be no congregation at this mass and the church will be closed to visitors at this time. Plan to received a spiritual communion as you watch our live stream mass.
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What is Spiritual Communion
Pope Saint John Paul II encouraged the practice of spiritual communion, “which has been a wonderful part of Catholic life for centuries and recommended by saints who were masters of the spiritual life.” St. Thomas Aquinas described it as “an ardent desire to receive Jesus in the most holy sacrament and lovingly embrace him” when we cannot because of circumstances receive him in sacramental Communion.
Today there are many Catholics who may not be able to receive Communion because masses have been stoped due to the Corona virus pandemic, pressing duties that prevent attendance at mass, or perhaps because of a marriage not recognized by the Church. But they are not prohibited from receiving Communion spiritually and receiving strength from the grace of the sacrament.
Spiritual communion needs no special instruction; it only requires the same disposition as the actual reception of the sacrament and a turning to Jesus with the heart.
Countless saints incorporated this type of prayer into their daily lives, not being satisfied with receiving Jesus in the Eucharist once a week or even once a day. Making an act of spiritual communion for them was an essential part of life and drew them closer to God on a daily basis.
We can beneficially incorporate this holy practice into our lives now and continue it after masses resume. We cannot all attend daily mass, but we can receive a spiritual communion even several times a day.
Deacon Bob’s Spiritual Communion Podcast
Also on Spoitfy:
Sunday Morning: Reflections on Faith and LIfe by Deacon Bob