COVID-19 Adaptations

Information and Changes

St. Joseph’s church and office is closed until further notice.

You may contact us via email or leave a phone message.

All events are canceled including Weddings and Baptisms.
Funeral Arrangements are limited to 10 or fewer persons at the cemetery for committal.
Funeral mass will be said privately with only clergy in attendance.

Sunday mass will be broadcast using Facebook live streaming. Please use Facebook to view the mass.  The capacity of our website is not sufficient for a reliable connection.

Special Notice

Charities and nonprofits are on the front-line responding to our neighbors and communities in need during the COVID-19 pandemic, but risk catastrophic damage from evaporating revenue, new and rising demands for assistance, and major disruptions in charitable giving.  Congres must act now and provide emergency aid to nonprofit organizations by expanding charitable giving and providing organizations with grants, loans, and tax credits.

Clidk the link below to log in and send your message:


COVID-19 Prayer

Lord Jesus, you heal the sick.

We pray that the coronavirus
that has affected so many in our world
can be contained, controlled, and cured.

We lift up to your mercy all those affected,
all those working hard to study and cure this illness,
and all health care professionals and
emergency management teams
that are working day and night to keep us safe.

Help us, Lord, to trust in your merciful care.

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer. Amen.