Join us as we celebrate and bless the new school year at a Blessing of the Backpacks Family Mass on Saturday, August 24th at 4:30 pm. All children are invited to bring their backpacks to Church for a blessing, followed by pizza, dessert, juice and water after Mass in the Church Hall (no charge-free will offering). Please RSVP by clicking the following link: Check the box beside “Attending Family Mass” and then click submit to complete the form.
If your family is interested in participating as a Minister of Hospitality before, during or after Mass, please check the sign up box beside the position you’re interested in, and then click the submit button to sign up by August 19th, so we can plan accordingly. You can also call the parish office at (609) 927-3568, ext. 10 or 24. Please note: The number requested is the total number of people needed for that position.
Thank you for your support, and enjoy the rest of your Summer!